Winter Sports


  • Boys & Girls Grades 5-6 (JV) and 7-8 (Varsity)
  • Registration Fee - $175

Practices and all home games are played at the St. Patrick Malvern gym. Practice schedules are announced once teams have been selected.

Mandatory Assessments will be held for boys and girls in grades 5-8. See parish communications for dates and times. Based on these assessments, players will be assigned to either Regional (competitive) or Parish (recreational) teams.

Practices will begin after November 1st.


St. Patrick Malvern Gym


  • Girls Grades 1-4 (Mini)
  • Girls Grades 5-8 (Varsity)
  • Registration Fee - $150

Minis will train for a competition to be held in January. Varsity will perform at JV and Varsity home basketball games as well as training for the competition. Practices will begin in November and games will be announced after coordinating with the basketball teams.

Practices are held after school in the St. Patrick Malvern gym or cafeteria, depending on availability.


High School Basketball

  • Boys & Girls Grades 9-12
  • Registration Fee - $150

Practices and all home games are played at the St. Patrick Malvern gym. Practices and games will begin in mid- to late-November.