Spring Sports

We are in need of Coaching volunteers for all sports! Please visit the Contact Us page and email Athletic Director Matt Bush to inquire.


  • Boys Grades 5-8
  • Registration Fee - $190

Practices and all home games are played at Monument Field in Malvern. Our home game and practice days and times are Fridays at 5:30 and Sundays at 5:30. Weather permitting practices will begin in late March. Games begin in early April.

Baseball Field

Softball - All Region 17

  • Girls Grades 6-8
  • Registration Fee - $100
  • Season will last March 31-May 7

All Region 17 CYO Softball registration will be handled by St. Patrick CYO. Parishes will be combined into 4 regional teams.

Games will be played Fridays and Sundays at Bishop Shanahan, Downingtown Little League, and Villa Maria Academy.

For more information, contact league commissioner Matt Bush at reg17softball@gmail.com

Softball Field (Games)

Girls Lacrosse

  • Girls Grades 5-8
  • Registration Fee - $125

Practices and all home games are played at General Wayne Elementary. Our practices and home games are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays 3:45-5:30 (Occasionally, there will be a game on a Wed or Fri). Weather permitting, practices will begin in late March. Games begin in early April..



Boys Lacrosse - All Region 17
*NEW for 2024*

  • Boys Grades 6-8
  • NO Registration Fee!

CYO Region 17 is introducing Boys Lacrosse. Based on interest and participation, we will divide players into regional teams. More information to come soon! Register if you are interested in learning more.


Lacrosse Field

Track & Field

  • Boys & Girls Grades K-8
  • Registration Fee
    • Sub-Novice (Age 9 & under) - $40
    • CYO (Age 10 & older) - $65

Practices are held at Villa Maria Academy High School Wed & Fri at 5:30 (Sub-Novices only on Fri) starting in early March. Meets begin in early April and are held at Bishop Shanahan High School.

Track - Practice

Track - Meets

Mountain Biking Club

  • Boys & Girls Grades K-5
  • Registration Fee $85

We will introduce children of all ability levels to:

  • bike skills
  • bike safety
  • maintenance & basic care
  • the enjoyment of God’s creation through recreation
  • confidence building through teamwork

We are looking forward to building excitement for the sport and grow a feeder program for the Pennsylvania interscholastic mountain bike activities that begin in grade 6.

Practices will be Mondays 5:30-7pm to be held at the Phelps School. Practices will begin in late-March (weather permitting) and run through May.

Mountain Biking Club Practice

Track - Meets